The PPM indicator is especially important for people who want to control their body weight. It's all about losing weight, gaining weight and maintaining it at a constant level. In this article, you will learn how to calculate your basal metabolic rate and how to use this indicator for the benefit of your health and figure.


PPM, i.e. basal metabolic rate, is an indicator that allows you to determine the amount of energy necessary to maintain the basic vital functions of the body at rest and in optimal environmental conditions. Such basic life processes include, among others: breathing, the work of the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, maintaining a constant body temperature, cell development and renewal.

Basic metabolism is an individual matter. The value of the PPM indicator will vary depending on gender, age, height, weight, muscle tissue content and many other factors.


Calculating BPM is an important step in determining a diet that is designed to maintain or change body weight according to the intended goal. By determining your basal metabolic rate, you can calculate your total metabolic rate (CPM). CPM takes into account the amount of calories needed to meet the needs related to additional human activity, i.e. daily duties and sports.

By consuming as many calories as we have defined as CPM, we will neither gain weight nor lose weight. Body weight will remain constant. To lose weight, you need to consume less energy than your calculated total metabolic rate, and to gain weight, you need to eat more calories than your CPM.


Due to the fact that the basic metabolism allows you to maintain the proper functioning of the body, it is worth paying attention not to excessively reduce the energy value of the diet, e.g. during weight loss. It is best to take into account the PPM indicator and not go below this value. Short-term reduction of the caloric value of the diet below PPM should not have negative effects, but long-term use of such a diet may cause metabolic disorders, nutritional deficiencies and diseases resulting from them.

This principle is especially important for people with chronic diseases, severe disorders, people recovering from major surgeries, accidents and other similar situations.


There are many ways to calculate PPM. The easiest way is to use ready-made patterns that take into account a few basic factors.

The most commonly used PPM formulas for adults are:

Mifflin Formula:
Women: PPM = 10 x body weight [kg] + 6.25 x height [cm] - 5 x age [years] - 161
Men: PPM = 10 x body weight [kg] + 6.25 x height [cm] - 5 x age [years] + 5
Harris-Benedict formula:
Women: PPM = 655.1 + 9.56 x body weight [kg] + 1.85 x height [cm] - 4.68 x age [years]
Men: PPM = 66.5 + 13.75 x body weight [kg] + 5 x height [cm] - 6.75 x age [years]

The value obtained indicates the basal metabolic rate. To calculate CPM, multiply this value by the physical activity factor (PAL), which is:

1.4-1.6 (for people with low activity),
1.7-1.9 (for people with average activity, regularly practicing sports),
2-2.4 (for people who are very active and professionally practicing sports).

Although the calculation of the basal metabolic rate seems simple, it can be difficult to apply it in practice. In order to achieve a specific effect of the diet, after calculating the PPM and CPM, it is also necessary to carefully count the caloric content of the consumed products, which requires commitment and additional time. To avoid mistakes and save time, it is worth going to a dietitian for help.

The Sofra Health Institute offers a low-calorie diet, prepared for people who want to lose weight. Meals included in the menu have already calculated energy and nutritional value. Thanks to this, you do not have to wonder whether the dishes you eat will provide the right amount of calories and nutrients and whether they will finally allow you to achieve your goal.