Pearshave been tempting us for centuries, not only with their taste, but also with their precious properties. Due to the nutritional value of pears, many people derive health benefits from eating them. Who are pears best for? How many calories does a pear have?


Pear is a tree from the Rosaceae family. The most popular pear varieties are: Klapsa, Konferencja, Bonkreta Williamsa (dessert varieties), Lukasówka, General Leclerc (great for preserves).

The season for pears lasts from the end of summer to late autumn, although of course we can buy them in stores all year round. The flesh of the pear is made of clusters of hard stone cells in which there are minerals.


The main macronutrient of pears are carbohydrates, which account for about 12% of its content. Proteins and fats are present in small amounts, less than 1%. Pears also contain 2% dietary fiber, which improves the functioning of our body.

This fruit is a source of minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and iodine, which is rarely found in fruit. In addition, the pear contains B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), vitamin C and A.

Pears are medium-calorie fruits, in 100 g they contain 58 kcal. This means that one medium pear has 87 kcal. It can therefore be treated as a small snack, second breakfast or afternoon tea.


Pear has numerous health-promoting properties. The ingredients contained in it can prevent many disorders and diseases.

Thanks to the presence of fiber and fructose, it improves the work of the digestive tract, has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and prevents constipation.
Some pears can also be eaten to combat diarrhea due to the tannins present.
The iodine present in pears affects the functioning of the thyroid gland and is necessary for the proper production of its hormones.
The presence of potassium in the fruit helps to lower blood pressure.
Eating pears can also reduce the risk of cancer development thanks to the antioxidant compounds they contain, such as flavonoids.
Thanks to the presence of folic acid, pears are a great product for women planning pregnancy and who are pregnant. This ingredient also helps in preventing anemia.

Pears can be eaten both fresh and dried. In many Polish homes, they are used as one of the ingredients of the traditional Christmas Eve compote. Dried pears are less common in stores than, for example, dried dates, plums or raisins, we will find them mainly in large supermarkets or health food stores.

Of course, you can dry the pears yourself. For this purpose, you need to use, for example, an oven. Thinly sliced pears should be sprinkled with lemon juice diluted with water, put on a baking tray so that they do not touch each other and bake at 70 ° C until they become hard. Pears can also be dried in a food dryer.


Dried pears are a more concentrated source of nutrients than fresh ones. It is worth paying attention especially to the large amount of potassium (supporting the fight against hypertension) and phenolic compounds and flavonoids (lowering the risk of dangerous disorders, including inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular diseases).

As the water content decreases, the amount of carbohydrates also increases. They constitute about 69% of dried pears, mostly simple sugars. After drying, the caloric content of these fruits also increases. 100 g of dried pears provide 262 kcal. For this reason, remember not to overdo it with the amount of dried pears eaten.


Although fruits contain simple sugars, they can be eaten even during weight loss. They should not dominate the menu, but you can easily afford 1-2 servings of fruit during the day. An example is a low-calorie diet, which can be used during a stay at the Sofra Institute of Health. Thanks to the appropriate balance, this diet allows for a gradual loss of kilograms, and fruits and vegetables provide an appropriate portion of vitamins, minerals and valuable bioactive compounds that support our health.