Onion is one of the most commonly used vegetables in the kitchen. We also like to use it to fight various infections. Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians even used it for mummification. Find out what healing properties onion has, in what form it gives us the most benefits and who should avoid it.

The nutritional value of onions

Onion (Latin Allium cepa) belongs to the lily family. It is eaten both raw and after heat treatment. It is low in calories and its main ingredient is carbohydrates. 100 g of fresh onion provides:

34 kcal,
5.2 g of digestible carbohydrates,
1.7 g of dietary fiber,
1.4 g of protein,
0.4 g of fat.

Onions are rich in numerous ingredients that promote our health. Includes e.g. vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, folic acid and minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, chromium). Allicin present in onion is a compound with a strong bactericidal effect, and quercetin lowers blood pressure, has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Are onions healthy? Healing properties of onions

Undoubtedly, onion has numerous beneficial effects on the human body. The healing properties of onions include:

antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties that make onion one of the best plant ingredients to help fight colds,
antioxidant effect, slowing down the aging process and limiting the development of diseases resulting from the harmful activity of free oxygen radicals (e.g. diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems),
probiotic properties (fructans present in onion have a positive effect on the natural intestinal microflora),
anticoagulant, diuretic and regulating the level of cholesterol in the blood (increases the amount of beneficial HDL lipoproteins), which is why onion is an important element of the diet supporting the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke.
Onion for colds - how to use?

Fresh onions are the best for colds. It then contains the most active ingredients. A very popular cold remedy, especially recommended by mothers and grandmothers, is onion syrup. Classically, it is made of finely chopped onion sprinkled with sugar in a jar, you can add lemon juice to it to balance the sweet taste. For health reasons, it is worth replacing sugar with honey, which also helps fight colds. This syrup is not recommended for people with diabetes.

If we like the taste of onion, a much simpler and healthier choice will be to prepare a sandwich with freshly chopped onion or a fresh salad with its addition.

Onions for tinnitus

A lesser-known medicinal use of onions is to use them to combat pain and tinnitus in the ears. Ear infections are usually very annoying, so it is worth reaching for natural treatments as well. To do this, grate the onion, squeeze the juice out of it, slightly warm it and put 3 drops in the ear several times a day.

Onion - contraindications

An absolute contraindication to the use of onions is an allergy. In addition, onion consumption should be limited by people with gastrointestinal disorders, including gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerances, especially when accompanied by bloating and diarrhea. If these symptoms are not very severe, you can occasionally eat onions after cooking, but it is still better to avoid hard-to-digest fried onions.

onion in the diet

Onion is very often used in traditional Polish cuisine, mainly in the form of a spice or an addition to ready meals. However, it can be the base of the dish. Examples include onion soup, stuffed onion, onion casserole, onion buns and onion jam.

In the offer of the Sofra Health Institute, apart from therapeutic diets, you will find a classic diet, which is addressed to people who do not suffer from diet-related diseases. It is worth reaching for a classic diet if you want to focus on rehabilitation, cosmetic treatments or medical diagnostics during your stay. Like other diets, it is healthily balanced to provide all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts.