In today's fast-paced world, it is worth choosing versatile products. One example is zucchini. This ingredient is very easy to prepare. You can use it for both savoury and sweet dishes, and use it to prepare preserves for winter. Does eating zucchini give us any more benefits? What health properties does zucchini have?


Zucchini is a vegetable with plenty of water and very low calories, so it is a useful vegetable during a weight loss diet. 100g of fresh zucchini provides only 17 kcal. This, however, does not mean that zucchini is a product full of nutrients. It consists mainly of carbohydrates (about 2% of content), dietary fibre, and protein (1% of content each). In addition, we will find minerals (including potassium, magnesium, iron), vitamins C, A, K, B group, and carotenoids such as beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.


Zucchini offers many health properties. It should be noted that it is an easily digestible product, so it is also suitable for persons with gastrointestinal disorders and other chronic diseases. It has alkalizing properties and a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended for people suffering from hyperacidity. It is also recommended as an ingredient that reduces the risk of developing cancer in the digestive tract.

Zucchini has a low glycemic index (GI=15), which means that its consumption does not cause a sudden and large increase in blood glucose levels. Choosing products with a low glycemic index is especially important for diabetics and people with insulin resistance, overweight, and obese. Also, healthy people should mainly choose such products to prevent the development of the said disorders in the future.

Antioxidants present in zucchini (carotenoids, vitamin A, vitamin C), positively affect our immunity and reduce the risk of civilization diseases. This vegetable also has a positive effect on our eyesight.

Due to its folic acid content, zucchini is recommended for pregnant women and those planning their pregnancies.


Zucchini is quite neutral in taste, which means that it can easily be combined with many ingredients, and using a variety of spices will help give it a unique character. You might use zucchini as an ingredient in meat and vegetable dishes, and soups. We often use it to prepare zucchini and tomato stews. Zucchini pancakes are a less caloric version of classic potato pancakes. You should also try zucchini pate, zucchini meatballs, stuffed zucchini, zucchini cake, zucchini cream soup, and vegetable spaghetti.

Many people wonder if they can eat zucchini raw. Of course, they do. You can use it to make a salad much like a classic fresh cucumber with sour cream or a grated zucchini with a vinaigrette dressing salads.


In recent years, zucchini preserves have gained great popularity. Zucchini cut into strips, slices or cubes can be marinated in a variety of marinades, such as vinegar, mustard, or with the addition of curry. From zucchini, you will also prepare a marinated salad with peppers, onions and garlic, which you can store in jars all winter. Another interesting option is zucchini ketchup, which does not require a large number of tomatoes but instead draws on the flavour obtained from tomato paste and spices.

From zucchini, you can also prepare sweet preserves. One example is a zucchini jam with jelly or apple.


An unhealthy lifestyle makes civilization diseases (including obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes) increasingly common and faster in our society. If you want to start your body's regeneration process, it is best to start with cleansing and feeding it a large dose of vitamins, minerals, and biologically active substances. Dr Ewa Dabrowska's classical diet will certainly help and you can enjoy its benefits during your stay at one of the Sofra Health Institute's Centers. The stay includes consultations with Dr Ewa Dabrowska, who will share with you her knowledge on how to eat a diet that promotes health and maintains optimal body weight.